People have been cooped up for more than a year now. Wwhile some people have pivoted and found new ways to workout with the gyms closed, others have been more sedentary than usual. And still others can’t wait to get back to that #gymrat life. Either way, people are excited for gyms to be opening back up. People are refocusing on their health and fitness as well as are eager to get back into a routine.
As a gym owner or manager, one of your top concerns, as we transition back into a ‘normalcy’, is the health and wellness of your staff and members. Whether that is from the benefits of a good workout or the cleanliness of the facilities. As a professional cleaning service, we know clean and want to pass on some tips and tricks to keep your gym in tip top shape!
Train Your Staff
Make sure your personnel are trained up in personal hygiene practices that have become even more important in the age of Covid-19. Practices include washing their hands regularly, using hand sanitizer, wearing masks, and avoiding touching their faces. They should also be ready to adjust to new practices recommended by the CDC as they evolve.
Disinfect Surfaces
High touch surfaces should be cleaned regularly throughout the day and there are a few essential steps in a proper sanitizing process.
First, wash your hands.
If using sanitizing wipes, wipe the surface in one direction, not back and forth, to avoid contamination.
If using spray, spray thoroughly onto the surface.
Pay attention to how much time the sanitizer needs to remain on the surface before being wiped off. It varies depending on the type/brand of sanitizer being used.
Once you are finished, thoroughly wash your hands again.
Have a Schedule
To make sure nothing is getting missed, keep a detailed cleaning schedule for your staff. Rotate cleaning throughout the day by area. We suggest using the follows zones: cardio machines, weight equipment, bathrooms/changing rooms, and the check-in desk. Have your staff document what’s been cleaned throughout the day to ensure everything that needs to be cleaned is done daily!
Bonus: Hire Cleaning Company, Do It Rite
Cleaning throughout the day is of course necessary, but it’s nearly impossible to clean every nook and cranny that way. To ensure the safety of your gym Do It Rite can come in regularly with our electrostatic sprayers. Our CDC approved equipment coats and sanitizes any surfaces even hard to reach areas and awkwardly shaped equipment. Give us a call or book a free consultation online!